
March 14, 2011

Thank You!

A few weeks ago, Ann from Apples and Twinkies awarded me with a Stylish Blog award and I have also been honoured by Stephanie at The Starving Artist with a Lovely Blog award. What a treat and an honour for my little blog! 

Ann has been one of my most regular followers and her constant comments have been a huge boost for me. She has a wonderful blog with lots of great recipes, so go check her out. Stephanie is a relatively new food blogger but she always has amazing recipes with a neat take on presentation, which I love.

As part of these awards, I am supposed to tell you seven things about myself, and direct you to a few of the new blogs I have found. So here goes:

Seven things about me:

1. I have an adorable puggle -- pug x beagle cross -- named Cooper.

2. I have been a Toastmaster for 5.5 years and just last month, completed all the requirements to be honoured as a Distinguished Toastmaster, the highest honour. (Toastmasters is an international organization that promotes communication and leadership)

3. I live in Toronto where we are enjoying a lovely, snow-filled winter. (and today it's a warm and sunny 4 degrees!)

4. I still use a paper day planner and love it.

5. I read about one book per week, all taken out of the Public Library.

6. Having my nails done every week is one of my biggest luxuries.

7. The Sound of Music is my all time favourite movie. I even had a surprise Sound of Music themed wedding shower!

Some amazing blogs I have discovered over the past year:


  1. thanks for the shoutout! i love that you love to read too :) What is a Toastmaster? That sounds exciting!!

  2. Congratulations on the awards, that's awesome! Wow one book a week? I'm embarrassed to say it takes me a couple of months of night reading. How cute a puggle :)

  3. Congratulations on your awards...and so happy to learn a little more about sure read a lot :-) Have a wonderful week ahead!

  4. Thanks for the shout out, Lindsay! Nice to learn more about you.

  5. Congrats and thanks for sharing more about yourself. Two thumbs up for supporting your local library!

  6. Congrats on the awards ! I love reading too...:)!

  7. I bet your dog is adorable and I read as often as you...I can't get enough. Thank you for the shout out. It is always a pleasure to come visit your blog.

  8. Thank you Lindsey and Congratultions! Will get back to you in the next few days after my visiting childen are on their way.

  9. Awww congratulations - well deserved!! And you have a puggle - how cute!

  10. Thanks for mentioning my blog.

    And yes, paper day planers totally rule.
