
March 17, 2011

Oven-Baked Bacon

Bacon is one of my weaknesses. For years, I was a vegetarian, but secretly, on Saturday mornings when T and I would go out for breakfast, I would indulge in a few strips of bacon. There's something about the saltiness of it that I crave and it just completes a Saturday morning breakfast.

But no matter how much I loved bacon, I rarely made it myself. I found it super messy and I hated that hot oil always popped up and burned me and covered my stove top. Baking my bacon though has changed all of this. It is a foolproof way to cook bacon and I always  have perfectly cooked, non-curly bacon that has an easy clean up. The other great thing is that it is one less thing I have to watch on the stove when I am making eggs, pancakes and vegetables. 

Oven-Baked Bacon

  • strips of your favourite bacon
  • Line a baking sheet with tinfoil and place a cooling rack on top.
  • Lay strips of bacon out on cooling rack in a single layer and put in centre rack of oven. Turn oven on to 400 degrees (do not preheat) and bake for 18-20 minutes or until bacon has reached desired crispness.
  • Remove tray from oven and transfer bacon strips to a plate lined with paper towels to remove excess grease.


  1. ah! this is my new fav thing. i just discovered it a few months ago and it's the best ever. so easy to clean up!!

  2. Bacon is my husband's biggest weaknesses; love the idea of baking it in the oven; thanks for that great idea.

  3. Bacon can go so well with any ingredients, even with chocolate!

  4. I keep hearing that this is a great way to make bacon but have never tried it! I am having company this weekend so I think its the perfect time to try out your recipe. This sounds so much easier than having to stand over the frying pan and yours looks absolutely perfect!

  5. I have done this before. I agree, way better than the grease splatters on your hands as you try to fight the bacon into behaving itself :)

  6. great tip.. better than using a stove top or microwave for sure.

  7. I adore bacon, but just like you, frying it is not one of my favorite things to do. I have never tried it in the oven, but it sounds foolproof. Thanks for sharing this great tip :o)

  8. This is a great hint. I hate the messiness of bacon too, so your method is worth a try!

  9. I wouldn't consider bacon as a weakness.

  10. Believe it or not I have not tried to make bacon in the oven. I will definitely have to give it a shot after your good praises of it.

  11. Oh bacon, let me count the ways I love thee!

  12. Awesome baked bacon!

  13. I always seem to remember about this method of cooking after the bacon is already in the pan!!! And it does always turn out so perfectly! (and no bacon-spattered burned hands either...) Yay for bacon!

  14. Bacon is probably my #1 reason why I can't become a full vegetarian. It's too good and addictive. I love your idea and tips on baking it while the rest of the breakfast is cooking. Great post

  15. *chuckle* seems I'm not alone in bacon standing between me and vegetarianism!

  16. I'm with you on the messiness of bacon. Last time I tried making it in the microwave which was great because of no mess! I'll give this method a try next time...which is hopefully soon! yum!
