
January 8, 2011

Roasted Beets

Roasted beets are maybe one of my favourite vegetables. In part, I think, because they are a treat. Sure, not a treat like chocolate, but a treat because I rarely get to have them. I don't make them often because, well, they take time. But every time I have them, I vow to eat them more. Another resolution for 2011? 

Roasting beets brings out their natural sweetness. They are one delicious vegetable and when served warm, there is simply nothing like them. While roasting does take time, it simply couldn't be easier. You do just need to be careful because the bright colour of the beets easily can go everywhere, so having a pair of rubber or surgical gloves on hand can be helpful. An apron is also recommended. I speak from experience, folks.

Here's a quick and easy how-to so you can start roasting your own beets.


  • bunch of beets -- usually four to six per bunch
  • olive oil
  • kosher salt, optional


  • Heat oven to 375 degrees
  • Wash beets and cut off tops and bottom roots
  • Place beets in tin foil on a baking sheet and coat well with olive oil and, if desired, salt
  • Wrap the tin foil up like a present and leave on baking sheet
  • Bake the beets for about an hour (small beets are faster, larger take longer). You know your beets are finished when you can easily slide a paring knife in them like a baked potato.
  • Let beets cool. Then, in a sink, rinse them under cold water and the skin should just slide right off. You may need to use a paring knife or peeler to get some of it off though.
  • Cut beets into bite-size for serving. 


  1. I share your love of beets and your technique is a perfect way to cook them. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. Thanks for reminding me how much I low roasted beets. I love your tin foil technique. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for checking out my blog!! I've honestly never tried beets, but must admit I'm a bit intrigued.
    Great blog you've got going here!

  4. I've never tried roasting beets but this definitely looks like an easy technique! It's going on my "to do" list!

  5. Hi there! Found you through my blog! I'm not a big fan of beets but I am just loving the french onion soup on the previous post! So looking forward to trying it.

  6. oh wow sounds awesome and love your french onion soup thanks so much for visiting my blog

    happy new yr


  7. You know, I have never had beets roasted before! I just saw someone roast them on Food Network the other day and want to try it some time...

  8. It's my first visit here.. Your photos are refreshingly pretty!Beets are so beautiful aren't they?

  9. They sound delicious! I love roasted veggies but never thought of roasting beets. I will now after seeing this. So glad to find your blog! That soup below looks great!

  10. I myself have never tried beets, but I love other roasted veggies. My mom is a big beet lover, so maybe I will acquire the taste as I age!

  11. I'm so glad you stopped by. I hope you'll come often and stay late. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  12. beets roasted sounds delicious healthy too

  13. i've actually never thought to make beets like this, but it sounds just delicious!

  14. Thanks for the roasting beets info! Beets are the best...I agree they can be awesome even on their own.

  15. Who peeled your beets? I'm sure that was a really important step that shouldn't be overlooked ... or under appreciated.


  16. I have never tried beets! But I keep hearing how delicious they are! I think I'll try to put them on the menu this weekend!
