
January 10, 2011

Beet and Goat Cheese Salad

Our New Year's Eve meal started with this salad, which pretty much guaranteed an awesome start to 2011. Roasted beets are such a treat because I rarely -- like almost never -- make them. But I think based on this salad, my resolution this year is clear: make more beets.

Beets are practically perfect roasted on their own really. Or with a side of sour cream and chives. But this salad took them to a new level. If you read through the recipe, you'll notice that there is no salad dressing to speak of, only a marinade of sorts for the beets. I worried that with no dressing on the salad, it would be dry, but the beets are so moist and flavourful and their warmth slightly melts the goat cheese, making it a perfect marriage of the warm beets, with the cool spinach, sweet goat cheese and tart marinade. Heaven.  

Beet and Goat Cheese Salad
Serves 4-6
Printable Recipe

  • five medium sized roasted beets, chopped into large pieces
  • 2 tsp red wine vinegar
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 4 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tsp orange zest
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 cups spinach, washed and dried thoroughly
  • 4 oz goat cheese
  • In a bowl, whisk together the red wine vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice, orange zest and salt and pepper. Add beets and toss to coat.
  • On each plate, make a small bed of spinach. Top with 1/4 of warm beet mixture (if in the fridge, pop in the oven or microwave to warm) and sprinkle crumbled goat cheese on top.


  1. yum! my dad would love his...he's all about beets :)

  2. Ah, beets! Another favorite at our table. And, unlike tomatoes, they are available year round. I just picked up some at Whole Foods. Both red and golden beets were available and I love the combination. I can't wait wait to try your delicious salad.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and introducing yourself!!


  3. Yum - love cooking with beets!

  4. Absolutely LOVE this kind of salad. It IS the perfect way to start 2011! Thanks for stopping by my blog as well. Your blog name is so fun and catchy! :)

  5. I have yet to eat beets and really like them but I'm supposed to be getting some from my CSA so I'm looking forward to trying fresh roasted beets. Maybe the ones I had previously were from a can? This salad is definitely inspiring me to have beets.

  6. So delicious! I love the combination of beets and goat cheese!

  7. gorgeous...and i love the sweetness of beets to balance the richness of goat cheese

  8. I love beets and your salad is beautiful! And I have to say your New Year resolution is the best I've heard yet!!!

  9. I just bought beetroots yesterday - I'll be giving this salad a go!


  10. Roasting beets is the only way I can eat them! If you julienne them and then roast them, they get all nice and crunchy! It's great contrast for a salad! :D

  11. I love the name of your blog, and I know I'd adore this salad!

  12. Beets and goat cheese sound like a fabulous combo! Thanks for visiting my blog and I am getting a kick out of your blog name. It is awesome! I look forward to visiting often.

  13. I really like the ingredients you've combined here. This is a perfect winter salad and your photo of it is wonderful. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  14. So delicious looking and so healthy. I love beets. I would love this salad.

  15. Great looking salad! I love everything in it! Love roasted beets, and I recently had shredded raw beets in a salad that was also very good!

  16. I've never had beets, so I'm not sure if I like them or not, but this salad makes them look delicious!!!

  17. Oooh I'm crazy about that combination. I need to buy some beets!

  18. Love beets, love goat cheese and love to find a new way to serve a salad. Lovely presentation!

  19. Yum, I love making a salad like this with fresh farmers' market ingredients in the summertime! I usually add pistachios and peach slices too... They go great with it!
