
January 6, 2013

New Year, New Kitchen, New Food

Happy New Year!

It's been awhile since I posted -- 16 long months. I thought I could blog during a kitchen renovation, but that turned out to a horrible time in culinary adventures (thank goodness for the barbeque!). And then I got pregnant (yeah!), suffered serious morning sickness (boo), moved in with my parents to stay away from the dust and debris in our renovation and wasn't cooking at all at their house.

The Bean
But now it's been seven months since we had The Bean and I have reconnected with the kitchen, and hopefully, my blog.

The inspiration stemmed from the book Dinner: A Love Story. I inhaled it over the holidays and learned about the food journey of Jenny Rosenstrach first with her husband, and then together with their two daughters. It reminded me of the need for organization in a household where both parents work, to ensure a healthy dinner is on the table each night.

So while I have been preparing good meals almost every single night since I've been on maternity leave, I think I'm ready to stretch my culinary muscles again.

Here are my 2013 Food Resolutions:
  • Create a weekly menu plan. This was a resolution two years ago, and for the short time I did it a couple of years ago, it was extremely effective, both from an organizational perspective and financial as we were more conscience in what we were buying. And this will be especially helpful when I go back to work.
  • Make at least one new thing each week
  • Make The Bean's food and help him explore new foods. I've been making purees for him for the past two months, but now I think we're ready to start introducing some new flavours and textures. nd twinkies
  • Continue to blog. This helps with my accountability for sure, and I love that it's a one stop resource for me for tried-and-true recipes, once I've posted them. 
So here's to a delicious year! 

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