
April 16, 2011

Flour Tortillas

I have been busy. Two of my girlfriends have gotten married, we're down people at work so I've been swamped and T had knee surgery. So I've been out of the kitchen and eating a lot of cereal (hardly blog worthy!). But I've missed it like crazy. I've missed having down time and being alone in the kitchen, so as soon as I found some time, I made these tortillas. I knew they would take some time to make, but it was easy work and well worth the effort. 

The difference between these and the store-bought kind is unbelievable. These were warm, delicious, endearingly individual looking (i.e. not uniform -- at all), a just incredibly fresh tasting. I wouldn't make these all the time, and they would work better as a taco shape over a burrito, but boy they were good.

You can put whatever you want in them, but stay tuned to see what I filled these up with!

Flour Tortillas
Makes 14-16 tortillas

  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp lard
  • 1 cup hot water
  • Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl and mix.
  • Add the lard and use a pastry cutter to combine the ingredients until they look like coarse crumbs.
  • Slowly pour in the hot water, stirring to bring the mixture together. Lightly knead the dough 30 to 40 times until it becomes a cohesive ball and becomes less sticky (this will happen the more you knead).
  • Roll into ping pong sized balls, place on a tray, cover with a tea towel and let rest for about 30 minutes.
  • When you're ready to make the tortillas, heat a dark or cast iron griddle to medium - medium high heat. 
  • One by one, roll out the balls of dough until very, very thin. Place one at a time on the griddle and cook on each side for about 20-30 seconds. You'll know to flip because large bubbles will form on the side. Flip and then remove from the heat once the tortillas are still soft but are slightly brown in spots. 
  • Remove and stack tortillas as you cook them, covering with a tea towel to keep them warm.
Recipe from The Pioneer Woman


  1. Interesting recipe, I have never made tortillas but made something similar. I will try these, thanks for the recipe

  2. amazing! i cannot wait to try these. we go through tons of tortillas!

  3. Wow, i usually purchase tortillas but these are definitely worth trying, tortillas are not cheap and this would save a ton of money!! Thanks for the recipe!!

  4. I've never thought of making tortillas before, but these look great. Sounds like you've had a busy month!

  5. WOW made your own tortilla; I am so impressed, bet they taste that much better than teh store bought.

  6. These look great. I'd love to make my own tortillas!

  7. I've always wanted to make my own tortillas but never got around to it. Kudos to you for giving it a go. I need to try as well as I hear they are so much better than store bought.

  8. Wow, that's so cool that you make your own tortillas! Can't wait to find out how you filled them. :-)

  9. Oh! Homemade tortillas? They sure look yummie and no need to mention that they taste much better than the store bought ones. Hope you are having a "slower" week :-)

  10. I'll have to try this one out. I love a simple recipe which delivers great results! :)
