
January 26, 2011

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

We've been roasting vegetables like crazy lately and roasted brussels sprouts are one of our new favourite side dishes. At the grocery store, T bought enough to feed an army, and they were gone within a week. Not a bad thing though because they're ridiculously healthy -- they have the same chemicals as broccoli which are believed to have potent anti-cancer properties. But you know what? We just think they taste good! 

Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Serves 2

  • 18-20 brussels sprouts, washed and cut lengthwise
  • scant 1/4 cup olive oil
  • kosher salt and pepper
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  • In a bowl, toss cut brussels sprouts with olive oil and season with salt and pepper
  • Pour coated brussel sprouts onto a baking sheet and bake for 25-30 minutes until sprouts are soft and starting to turn brown
  • Serve immediately


  1. Mmm...I love this simple roasted brussel sprouts. We even snack on it :D

  2. Lindsay, these look delicious and so healthy. I failed roasting Brussels sprouts on Thanksgiving. I didn't cook them long enough.

  3. I LOVE brussel sprouts!!! I keep meaning to try them roasted!!!

  4. This looks so good; I will try to convince my husband that these are good; anything roasted comes out better.

  5. You are speaking my language! I have been hooked on brussels lately too. I love the health aspect too but they are just too good as well.

  6. I have yet to roast some brussel sprouts! I always think that they look SO good! I need to get soem at the store!

  7. This looks so easy and so tasty, I'll have to try it

  8. We love brussels sprouts! I usually roast a big pan at a time and have them many times during the week. In fact, I roast vegetables at least once a week. Another favorite is parsnips. Wow, do they take on a delicious flavor when roasted!!

