
January 14, 2011

Kahlua Creme Brulee

I got ramekins for Christmas and was desperate to do something with them, when this recipe for Kahlua Creme Brulee crossed my path. (actually, it was irish cream, but I had Kahlua and it was yummy, too).

Since we only had one other couple over for New Year's dinner, I thought it was nice to make individual desserts, which also kept me from making a full pie or cake, where more than half of it would be wasted (yes mom, I know, I know, freeze it and you'll have it later...). 

It was easy to make and mostly make-ahead (always a winner in my books!). The only thing was that I read that if you didn't have a torch you could caramelize it under the broiler, but mine seemed to take an awful long time and heated the custard more than it should have. Any tips?

Overall though, an excellent and fairly simple dessert. I think I might invest in a torch because I think I'll be making this one often!

Kahlua Creme Brulee
Serves 6

  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup white sugar
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp Kahlua
  • 6 tsp superfine sugar 
  • Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Place six ramekins on a dish towel set in a roasting pan at least 3 inches deep (the towel keeps them from moving around).
  • Stir together cream and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat and cook until very hot, stirring until sugar dissolves.
  • In another bowl (a standmixer with whisk attachment is best), whisk together egg yolks, vanilla and Kahlua until combined. While still whisking, slowly add 1/3 of the cream mixture 2 tbsp at a time (slowly so you temper the eggs). Once you have incorporated 1/3 of the cream, you can stir in the remaining hot cream without it curdling.
  • Pour custard through a sieve and then pour evenly into the ramekins. Then fill the roasting pan with boiling hot water to come halfway up the sides of the ramekins.
  • Bake in preheated oven until set 35-45 minutes -- custard should be set around edges but slightly jiggly like Jello in the centre.
  • Allow custards to cool on a wire rack to room temperature, about an hour, before covering and refrigerating until cold, another four hours.
  • When ready to serve, unwrap custards and sprinkle 1 tsp superfine sugar on each to coat top. Melt sugar either using a hand torch or directly under a broiler until sugar has melted. The cold custard underneath will help harden the sugar into a crispy crust.


  1. so pretty! you should definitely get a torch. they look so fun! i want one but know i wouldn't use it!

  2. This looks wonderful. I love Creme Brulee. isn't it funny how exciting it can be to get ramekins for Christmas? I want some, too.

  3. Individual desserts are so fun! These sound great!

  4. Ooo, I just made some plain creme brulee for my family; I will need to add some Kahlua for adults next time!! :)

  5. Thanks for the kind words Lindsay! They really were a tangy treat on the crazy blizzard day. =)

  6. What an impressive dessert; Love it.

  7. I never really find that freezing and having it later works with desserts. Usually it just ends up with me eating the other half later that night haha.

    I love the sound of these super cute creme brulee! I have some bailey's sitting here...think I'll have to give them a go!

  8. Great idea just to make as much as you will eat - saves living on desserts for the next few days!!!!

    They look delicious.

  9. This is beautiful and looks sooo delicious!

  10. I adore creme brulee and I especially love the idea of a kahlua creme brulee. Brilliant!

  11. LOVE Kahlua, and creme brulee. I actually recently bought a torch but haven't had a chance to make creme brulee yet. This one definitely goes on my list!

  12. Mmm looks so delicious! Creme Brulee is one of those things I'm dying to make (as soon as I buy some ramekins). Wonderful job! :)

  13. What a lovely dessert and so easy to make. I'm pretty sure I would be lost without collection of ramekins...I use those things so much for a little bit of everything. ;)

  14. Oh my. This looks to die for and a nice short list of ingredients. My only question to you is this...why would half of any cake or pie go unused?!!! Do you all not eat the rest later? I am fairly concerned about this...

  15. This sounds really good! I've always used a broiler for creme brulée, but I've never been very happy with the results. I'm thinking torch might be the way to go.

  16. I've never attempted creme brulee because I don't own a torch and I'm afraid to put it under the broiler. It sounds so good, maybe I will have to buy a torch after all! :)

  17. yum yum !! that must THE CREME BRULEE !!! with kalhua it is gorgeous !!
