
November 5, 2010

Butternut Squash Risotto

Risotto has quickly become one of my go-to dishes. I usually have all the basics on hand -- arborio rice, chicken stock, wine, cream and onions -- and by simply adding one or two other ingredients, you can completely change the flavour.

This week, I made it with a butternut squash I had on hand. I questioned the recipe that told me to puree the squash, but once I mixed it with the risotto, it was creamy and delicious and satisfying like a cheesy macaroni. This was perfect for a cold winter night and was so easy that I made it for myself one night when T. was out at a hockey game. All you need in 30 minutes and you're on your way to a hearty meal.

  • 2 cups cubed butternut squash
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1/2 onion, minced
  • 1 cup Arborio rice
  • 1/3 cup white wine
  • 4 cups hot chicken stock
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1/3 cup cream
  • salt and pepper to taste

  • In a large pot, bring water to a boil and add squash for 12-15 minutes, or until tender and can be easily pierced with a fork. Drain and mash with a fork.
  • Melt butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion and cook until onion begins to soften. Stir in rice and let toast -- about three minutes.
  • Pour in the white wine, stirring constantly until evaporated. Stir in the squash and 1/2 a cup of the hot stock. Stir until stock has been absorbed by the rice. Slowly add the stock 1/2 a cup at a time, only adding more once the previous amount has evaporated. 
  • Continue stirring until the risotto is creamy. Add cream and parmesan cheese and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Recipe from

1 comment:

  1. The risotto looks soo good. I haven't done much with risotto but I'm inspired.
