
September 18, 2010

Roasted Fingerling Potatoes

Fingerling potatoes are small, knobby and thin potatoes that apparently resemble fingers. While normally that kind of description would turn me off, I am glad I forged ahead with these little gems. They'd been sitting in the back of the fridge for a few weeks and in a fit of desperation the day before our weekly grocery shop when nothing else was to be had, I chopped them, poured some vegetable oil on them (we were even out of olive oil!), tossed them in some salt and pepper and roasted them. 

When they came out they had a light crisp outside while having a warm, creamy and sweet inside. They literally burst in your mouth and for some reason, I found that they smelled like an amusement park. A great way to end the summer.


  • About a pound of fingerling potatoes, quartered
  • olive oil to coat
  • salt and pepper
  • Toss the quartered potatoes lightly in olive oil and salt and pepper
  • Pour onto cookie sheet and bake in oven preheated to 350 degrees for about 45 minutes
  • Serve with sour cream

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