
July 13, 2010

Butter Tarts

I eat my food in sections. I have done this my entire life and continues to mind-boggle my parents. If you gave me a plate with three different foods on it, I would eat them one at a time, starting with the vegetables and ending with the meat. In the case of desserts, I always eat butter tarts with a spoon. I first scoop out the filling and eat it, and then I eat the pastry. It's weird. I know. But that's how I roll.

Anyway, I'd had a pining for butter tarts for awhile and I always resist them in the grocery store, but after I made the strawberry-rhubarb and blueberry pies, I had one pie crust left in my freezer -- perfect for a batch of butter tarts. A quick search online told me that I had all the ingredients I needed on hand and away I went.

The most challenging part of these was getting the pastry into the muffin tins. I took timbit-sized balls of dough, rolled it out and then manouvered it into the pans. They weren't pretty, but for a first try they were acceptable. If nothing else, they tasted delcious and way better than those ones you buy in a grocery store. And, for the record, I ate these with a fork and enjoyed the pastry with the filling and it was good!


  • 1 unbaked Flakey Pastry Crust
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp vinegar
  • ½ cup butter, melted and cooled
  • ¾ cup raisins, walnuts or pecans

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Roll out pastry and fit carefully into 12 muffin tins.

3. In a large bowl, beat eggs, then beat in brown sugar. Stir in vinegar and vanilla extract. Mix well, then stir in melted butter (make sure it’s cool). Fold in rasins or chopped nuts.

4. Carefully spoon mixture into tart shells.

5. Bake in oven for 10 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake an additional 8 to 10 minutes, until set.

Recipe from

Download the printable recipe for Butter Tarts


  1. oh my goodness! i love butter tarts. I would have thought they would be more complicated. We'll need to discuss butter tarts at brunch.

  2. Lindssy,

    this is so impressive, I may have to try this too.

  3. Loved your butter tarts -- all four of them that I devoured. If I ever get up the courage to make pastry, I'll definitely be making a couple of dozen for snacking on lazy Sunday afternoons.

