
June 21, 2010

Whipped Cream

I love real whipped cream. And I mean real. Not out of a can. Not out of a tub. Real, whipped-at-home-right-before-serving whipped cream.

It is ridiculously simple to make and will take any dessert (or pancake, crepe, fruit...) to the next level. So ban the can and take those extra five minutes to make it fresh. You'll thank me for it.


  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 scant tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla

  1. Chill mixing bowl and beaters for at least 10 minutes
  2. Pour whipping cream into mixing bowl and begin beating on high until it starts to thicken
  3. Add sugar and vanilla
  4. Continue beating until peaks start to form. You don't want it to be too wet, but be careful not to overbeat or you'll end up with butter. Watch closely and once it starts to get thick, go ahead and stop beating for a bit and see how the peaks are. If they flop over, continue beating, but if they stand up, it's done.

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