
April 2, 2010

Basic Pizza Dough

In the grocery store, every week a frozen pizza was one of our basic staples. T and I however, could never agree on one that we liked and truthfully, neither of us liked any of them except for their convenience.

Enter the easiest pizza dough. The hardest thing about it, is that it's best two or three days after you make it.

Ingredients (makes two pizza crusts)

  • 1 teaspoon dry yeast
  • 4 cups of flour
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/3 cup oil
  • 1 1/2 cups luke warm water

In a separate bowl (not your stand mixer), pour the yeast over top of the water.

Combine flour and salt in mixer and combine. 
Next drizzle oil into mixing bowl.

Add the water and yeast mixture and mix until thoroughly incorporated.
The dough should be very sticky.

Form the dough mixture into a ball and then put in a well greased bowl. Cover with saran wrap and leave for a day or two. I find it's best when I leave it for three.

When you're ready to use, take it out of the fridge (half if you only want one pizza) and let it come up to room temperature. 

Lightly grease a baking sheet and stretch out the pizza dough. You can let gravity work for you and if you hold it, it will start to pull away from you. 

This should cover about one cookie sheet. Cover with your favourite toppings and bake at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes -- until the crust is starting to brown and the cheese is deliciously bubbly.

Serve immediately!

Recipe from The Pioneer Woman

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